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Fresno County Approves Lease of Former Clovis Costco Building

Clovis Costco

An empty Clovis retail building is going from a Costco to Child Welfare Services.

The Fresno County Board of Supervisors has approved an agreement to lease 380 W. Ashlan Ave., the former home of the Clovis Costco that closed in July 2019 after 29 years in operation.

The county’s rent on the building would start at $186,691 per month for the first year — more than $2.24 million for the entire year. That rate would increase annually to $352,858 a month — more than $4.23 million for the full 12 months in the final year of the 19-year lease agreement.

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Madera Among Fastest-Growing Counties in Western U.S.

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MADERA COUNTY — According to the latest government data, Madera County is outpacing other similar-sized counties, both in California and around the western U.S., in terms of economic growth.

Recently published United States Bureau of Economic Analysis records show that for 2018, the latest year for which statistics have been compiled, Madera County saw the fastest growth in real GDP among the Far West Region’s “medium-sized” counties.

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